Lemon Cake Box Cookies

So I'm sure many of you have heard of Cake Box Cookies. They're cookies made from a box of cake mix (shocking surprise). Well, I had never had any until I went to a Super Bowl party at my sweet friend Tammie's house. She made Cake Box Cookies with a box of Devil's Food Cake and, man, were they good!

Sweet Tammie: Isn't her smile just great?! Her laugh is even better :)

I don't know about you but I'm a right-out-of-the-oven, crispy-on-the-outside, chewy-on-the-inside cookie person. I'm not a cooled-off and soft cookie person. Cake Box Cookies are more of a cooled-off and soft cookie but, I'm telling you, I ate almost all the cookies Tammie made (literally, because she sent home with me what wasn't eaten at the party). And I'll shamelessly blame that lack of self-control on being pregnant (yeah, I just played that card).

Anyway, Tammie gave me her recipe and I really wanted to see what Cake Box Cookies would taste like if I used Lemon Cake Mix... so that's what I did :)

I'm sure there are many different versions of Cake Box Cookies but, for Tammie's, all you need are four ingredients:

Cake Box Cookies:
  • 1 box cake mix (doesn't matter what flavor, this time I used lemon)
  • 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)
  • 1/4 c. butter (softened)
  • powdered or confectioner's sugar
Before we move on, let's pause and take note of the adorable little vase my mom gave me. I'm mean seriously, how cute is that!?

In the card she sent with it she said that it was for the single, little flowers Abilene will pick for me one day. Oh my gosh, how sweet! My mom is totally all over the little things that make life great.

Ok! Back to Cake Box Cookies!

It really doesn't get much easier than this:
  • Melt together the cream cheese and the butter in a microwave.
  • Mix in the cake mix.
  • Drop onto a greased cookie sheet. 
I'm not sure if you have one of these but if you don't, you should get one:

It's bigger than a melon baller but smaller than an ice cream scoop. I'm not sure what the specific name is so we'll just call it a scoop. They come in all different sizes and they're not that expensive (you can get them at Target or Walmart) but they are so useful!

Using a scoop allows me to get the same sized cookie every time. This really helps when baking. When everything is the same size, everything cooks more evenly. I also use the scoop when making cupcakes. Every cup gets two scoops of batter and, voila!, cupcakes that have all risen to the exact same height (super easy to frost)! And, because it's a scoop, clean hands! Unless you're looking for an excuse to lick your fingers :)

Now that you have your cookies scooped out, use the palm of your hand to kinda smoosh them down. The cookies won't spread out during the baking process so whatever shape you have them in when you put them in the oven is pretty much exactly what they will look like when they come out.

Place them in the oven at 350 for 7-10 minutes. I found that mine needed to be on more of the 10 minute side. Once your cookies are done, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and transfer them to a cooling rack. Done and done!

They turned out great: lemon-y but not too lemon-y and the cream cheese makes a really good, soft texture. Plus the yellow cookies looked great on the blue and white platter my good friend (and Target enthusiast), Liz, gave me. I have such sweet friends. Remember Tammie from a couple paragraphs ago? Well, like I said at the beginning of the post, she's just great! She's also a fantastic baker and entrepreneur! If you're into granola, definitely check out hers: Pine Hill Granola It's super good!

The cookies taste just as good the next day but do remember to store them in the fridge considering that they are made with cream cheese.

Mmmm, here's to lemon-y goodness. Let me know if you make your own version/flavors of Cake Box Cookies!


  1. 1 pkg. Rolo's
    1 box Devils Food Cake mix
    2 eggs
    1/3 c. oil

    Mix cake mix, oil, and eggs. Take a small ball of dough and form a ball around the rolo. (Only use enough dough to cover the rolo so it can spread through the cookie.)

    Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes. Yields about 3 dozen.

    Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.

    I couldn't find Rolo's when I made these, so I used Dove Caramel Promises instead - I'm pretty sure I liked them even better than I would have liked the Rolo's. VERY good when fresh out of the oven.

  2. Oh man, those sound so good! Thanks for the recipe, Brittany!

  3. I do the same recipe as your first comment, but I've used reeses pb cups or york peppermint patties, depending on the situation and what people are craving (or what candy I can get with a coupon!).


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