Brad's visa has still not been issued... and that sucks.

I was going to start that sentence with the word "unfortunately" but I caught myself. As much as my worldly mind considers this delay to be unfortunate (hence my addition of 'that sucks'), my spiritual mind is reminding me that I do not know God's ways.

Let me rephrase that, I do not know God's specific ways in this specific situation regarding how they will play out and when/how we will bring Ben home. But I do know God's ways. He's made them clear in the Bible so that I can place my faith in Him:

God is good. (Psalm 34:8)

God is faithful. (Psalm 119:90)

God is trustworthy. (Psalm 9:7-10)

God has a plan. (2 Peter 3:3-9)

God cares for the orphan. (Psalm 10:14)

God provides for His children. (Matthew 6:25-34)

God completes what He starts. (Philippians 1:6)

And those are only the tip of the Holy Character Iceberg.  God has revealed Himself in multiple ways to us since we started the adoption process (not to mention the countless other times in Brad and I's lives pre-adoption).  

Is this the way I expected our adoption journey to go?  No.  We are so close to the finish line.  Then again, the Israelites thought they were in the clear too.  Ten horrible plagues had happened and Pharaoh finally granted them permission to leave.  It was while entire families were on foot, all their possessions in hand and on mules - thinking they were free - when they overheard the hoofbeats and turned to see Pharaoh's army coming to haunt them again.  Fear overtook them, crying out to Moses, "Did you bring us out here to die!?!" (Exodus 14:10-12)  

For a moment, all was lost, their efforts were a waste, and doom was certain.

But it was also in that moment that God stepped in to do something only God could do.  

The impassable body of water trapping the Israelites between slaughter and drowning was opened up and the soggy seafloor dried so that the Israelites could cross over to safety.  A pillar of cloud flanked the backside of the Israelites, making them invisible to the Egyptian army while they walked their women and children between two walls of water for an entire night.

As the reader, that account plays like a Steven Spielberg movie, eyes glued to the screen and ears captivated by John Williams' musical score crescendoing with anticipation, excitement, power, and ultimate victory.  But off the couch and into the reality of what it would have actually been like, insert instant fear, debilitating doubt, and only the sound of violent winds and rushing water as the soundtrack.

I am no different than the Israelites.  "Did you bring us this far only to make Benjamin wait longer, God??"

But far be it from me to be like the Israelites who so quickly doubted Who it was that would part the Red Sea for them to escape both death and slavery.  

In fact, we find that the parting of the Red Sea had been part of God's plan all along for He had purposefully led them toward that body of water 15 verses earlier in Exodus 13:18, a route not logically taken by man.

God had a plan.

We were supposed to leave this afternoon, headed to a hotel so we could catch a 5:30am flight to China in the morning.  We were supposed to meet Benjamin on Sunday and he was to be legally deemed ours on Monday.  Instead, I'm still in my pajamas with unpacked bags and no sense of urgency whatsoever.  Am I happy about it?  No.  Do I know why God has allowed this to be a part of our adoption story?  No.  But either way, it doesn't change that:

God is good.

God is faithful.

God is trustworthy.

God has a plan.

God cares for the orphan.

God provides for His children.

God completes what He starts.

I'm still in my pajamas but I'll get dressed after I push 'Publish'.  Our bags aren't packed but I'll keep chipping away at them today.  Our in-country appointments have been canceled but we will reschedule them.  Benjamin is still half a world away but we'll keep working to get there. While we don't have news today, we will another day and we will let you know when we know more.  

Thanks for being in this with us.
We love you,


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