Cue the Hallelujah chorus because Brad's visa is HERE!

Please don't be mad with me but we actually got the phone call saying his visa was issued last Tuesday.  However, it was still in New York City and (based on our most recent experience) we didn't want to ring any bells until we actually received his visa in hand. 

Our courier picked up Brad's visa the next morning and shipped it overnight to us that day.  I was excited to tell everyone that Brad had his visa on Thursday... until it shipped to Tennessee instead of our doorstep.  I wish I was making this stuff up.

We waited, we called, we checked tracking 50 million times and it finally came - Praise God!

Now that we have that coveted sticker in his passport, we can officially set new appointment dates and book new plane tickets.

Do I know why we had to wait longer than anticipated?  Not really.  Did I like it?  H. No.

But I do know one thing that happened while we waited:

I couldn't stand the idea that a 'wall' had been put between us and him.

That probably sounds like it is a given but my personality is one that doesn't really feel things either until they happen or after they happen.  And because of this, the reality of being Benjamin's mommy was a very vague thought.  I figured the reality would settle in after we met him.

But man, oh man, the instant we surrendered and canceled our flights, I was flooded with emotions.  I was still clinging to Jesus but it was different post-flight-cancelling than pre-flight-cancelling.  I went from waiting-to-adopt-a-little-boy to going-to-get-my-son.  And if that's all the waiting was meant to do... well then, I'm thankful for that. 

It was good to step away from updating everyone on every little thing.  All the different forms of communication we have are good but I was updating people through the blog, email, text, Facebook,  Messenger, GoFundMe, Voxer, Marco Polo, and face to face. And my emotions just couldn't handle that upkeep anymore.  I needed a break and I needed to be able to sit with my disappointment and hurt while we waited for the call.

Thank you for letting me do that.

While we were waiting, we did get some updated photos and videos from the orphanage, and goodness if they didn't make our hearts sing.  I'll attach one below 💛

Thank you for your continued prayers and, even though I mentioned earlier that I needed a break, your questions last week did make me feel loved and cared for.  We don't deserve to take up your brain space yet you let us.  Thank you 💛

Excited to plan for real this time.

Benjamin, here we come!


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