Oh my gracious!  What a whirlwind the last 3 weeks have been!

We made it safely home from China on Sunday and have not stopped moving since (or so it seems).

Updating everyone has been heavy on my heart, however, transitioning to life in the States has not been easy.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't think it would be easy but I did think that I'd have a few minutes each day to post pictures and stories on the blog for all the wonderful people who have supported us along the way.

Right now, any time that could be used for updating a blog has to go to Benjamin and Abi and Andrew. 

Benjamin still does not know that we are his family.  We've had a few lovely faces drop meals off to us (you guys are the besssssst), and Benjamin has called more than a few of them "mama" or "baba" (daddy). 

Since Benjamin left the orphanage, he's had three "homes".  A week-long stay in a hotel in Xi'an, a week-long stay in a hotel in Guangzhou, and week-long stay here in the Adirondacks.  You can totally tell that he has no idea that we won't be packing up all our stuff and moving to a new place to stay for a week tomorrow.

It's very apparent that we need to be intentional in spending a lot of time at home and a lot of time as just the five of us.

When Benjamin has been either napping or in bed for the night, our attention has immediately shifted to Abi and Andrew.

Abilene and Andrew have been so gracious is allowing Benjamin to change every sort of normal they've ever known.  Brad and I are so proud of them.  Even so, sharing mom and dad's attention with their new brother has been a significant sacrifice on their part and we know it's vitally important for us to use the time that Benjamin is asleep to make some hefty love deposits back into their little lives during this crazy transition.

All that being said, I do have stories and I do have pictures and I really, really, do want to get them all out there 💛💛💛but it might be a little bit before I can. 

We have been out and about for a few things: doctor's appointments, grocery runs, and a few trips to the park.  If you see us, we'd love to see you!  Don't be afraid to walk up and say, "Hi".  We'll probably keep Benjamin close and Brad and I still need to be his sole providers (picking him up, handing him a snack, kissing a booboo, etc.) but it's not because we don't want others around, it's solely to help him learn what a family unit is - who his family unit is 💛

Thank you from the absolute bottom of our hearts for your prayers, kindness, support, meals, patience, and understanding. 

You mean the world to us,


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